Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Vijay Mallya Tamasha

The Vijay Mallya Tamasha
If you look at the debate that rages in the parliament you would come to realize that what kind of people we have put there parliamentarians debating the kind of women Vijay Mallya used to go around with, if you see a story about him in the media all the time they are highlighting his pictures with different girls , everything about Vijay Mallya has come to center about the women that use to surround him and like everything else now that what makes anything interesting .

But we conveniently ignore that he is legitimate business who has suffered massive losses and has lost whatever three generations had earned he has lost control of his company United Spirits which was cash cow and he has lost everything else also.

Is doing business in India a crime if you look at it objectively he is the worst affected from this and it is he who is turned out to be a villain as if he has run away with all the money when he has made a genuine offer to pay back the money It is sad how media trial in this country are affecting courts judgments.

To negotiate with banks who lend him money is his right if banks have taken equity as collateral and lend him money  against shares and now these shares are worthless is he to blame I don’t think so  it the bank who has to be blamed who has taken equity as collateral .

We are taking away the legitimate rights of business man to negotiate his loan by putting him to media trial and putting pressure on him by pointing to his lifestyle his lifestyle is Vijay Mallya personal issue and nobody has a right to complain about it.

It is sad that business man have to run away from the country because they don’t trust the judicial system in India, courts in India are acting like social activists look at what has happened to Suborto saharha, if he would have gone out from the country he would be sitting somewhere and sipping his scotch while his lawyers would have negotiated with the court but just because he had trust in Indian judiciary he is behind bars  from the last 2 years and just because a regulator like SEBI does not like the way he does his business .

till date not single investor has complained that Sahara has not returned its money  ,the money that was given to SEBI not even 5 % of it has been distributed,   just because a regulator wants to show its authority and when you say sorry I don’t come under your control because I don’t run a limited company you destroy him and again the courts don’t go by the book but by media perception  at the most Sahara is guilty of turning black money to white so impose a penalty and let the man go but you destroy him.

The way media ,politicians and the courts are acting it is bad situation for anybody and especially the rich and famous because anybody can put up an appeal in courts on any ground and the courts entertain them and people get a way to harass individuals just because IPL is good business and some people don’t like it first you get a social campaign about IPL and water crisis in Maharashtra which is flimsy at best and surprise of surprise the courts entertain it and ban matches does it solve the water crisis no does it help anybody no, it just moves legitimate business as being guilty of running a good show and we should all be ashamed of that because some social activists don’t like to see people enjoy the good life  ,which is really sad.

Vijay Mallya has lost everything his money, his company, his future and still everybody is going for his jugular it is really sad what is happening to the man jut because he lived his brand and lived a good life that we are trying to hang him now.

To me it looks that we were actually jealous of what he achieved in his life and now are gloating and kicking him on his way down.

 Let everybody do it but the courts should give him fair trial he deserves that much.  

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Salman Rushdie aka Joseph Anton

                                          Salman Rushdie  aka Joseph Anton

   Recently finished reading the autobiography of Salman Rushdie its a nice book which details his starting as writer his success and then the publication of SATANIC VERVES which led to the FATWA and how he lived through that ordeal. It’s heartening to read that despite whatever happened to him he kept his nerve found new love and tried to live a normal life in the constant shadow of death.

What I came to think after reading the book was how politics shapes up the thought process of a nation ,India was the first country to ban SATANIC VERSES and none of the people who banned it had ever red it they just decided to ban it because some Muslim religious leader had issued dire warning about it and the Rajiv Gandhi government and particularly Rajiv Gandhi himself, the novice that he was in the realm of India and its politics immediately allowed it to happen because his sycophants warned him that it could appease large section of Muslims and the  SHAH BANO case happened just because he had brute majority in parliament he upturned a judgment of the supreme court and allowed millions of Muslim women to languish in clutches  of the Muslim religious leaders

How strange is that so called religious leaders who threatened writers, poets and other artists by invoking god and doing anything illegal in the name of god because they want everybody to believe that they represent the true voice of god?

Through the entire book you get the feeling that one man who may be wrote something that was not palatable to the religious leaders was made a scapegoat for a larger agenda of superimposing your ill on the people and becoming their voice when you are not.

For more than a decade the writer lived in shadow of death and many people were killed his translator in Japan and his publishers were attacked because Iran gave fatwa and their soldiers were ready to carry it out.

Till how long this would go on, this hooliganism has now spilled to Hinduism also where we find writers and poets being attacked where no one can utter a word even his views on the religious scriptures where women are being attacked because they are not living in the way of Indian culture we should not allow our religion to become so narrow minded and bigoted, just because Muslim fanatics behave in certain way we should not copy them.

And look at where all this has led to now everybody is either a nationalist or he is not either you are Hindu you  are not, if you want to rise any other voice that is against the nationalist agenda of an organization you are attacked ,kicked and harassed  .

If we don’t atop this behavior than we would also one day slip into a culture where religion and their leaders would decide what to wear what to eat even now you have instances where a particular community wants to ban non veg  food  on particular days  you have posters on every well exhorting you to become vegetarian an if this is not stopped one day you would find Hindu fanatic hitting you because you are eating what you want .

The more I see what is happening across the Muslim world the more I realize that all this because you have allowed the Muslim religious leaders to get away with murder, instead of telling the mullah that his place is just inside the masjid we have allowed him to be know all who takes all decisions about the life of an ordinary Muslim we need to free the Muslim youth and population from their clutches, you have bring law into force and this is true that unless law of the land is supreme and religious leaders are confined to just religion there is chaos .

if we would have allowed Hindu religious leaders to take decisions on our personal and professional life we would have never made the social progress that we have made

The time has come to make law of the land supreme for the Islamic population also and someone must undo the mistake made in shah bano case.

 It’s high time.