Wednesday, October 22, 2014


                                          RELUCTANT FUNDAMENTALIST

Today i finished reading the RELUCTANT FUNDAMENTALIST it’s an amazing book a book which often echoed my own sentiments and thoughts that i have on the various conflicts that surround us it also gives a view as how a Pakistani views the way we handled the attack on our parliament was the build-up of the army and the jingoism that surrounded it was necessary its gives a very poignant picture of all these things and for such a thin book just 180 pages it leaves you with many thoughts.

It also makes you pause and think on where are we heading in terms of our personal lives on what is important and what is not this mad rush for  so called professional achievement that has permeated the whole fabric of our society is this whole system of looking at life through the mirror  of what degree you got what salary you draw and to measure life through the size of your apartment or the cost of your car is this not something that we have borrowed from the west  is this not all very American in its thought  and is all this right  do we need to look at life and ourselves through the prism of how the we see world looks at us would we as an  individual or a country be successful only when we get a pat on the back from an American  when he will say that yes you have arrived 

Lets delve a bit deeper into that and look at where we are we as civilization were at a much higher trajectory than the west it like been there done that our civilization after achieving all the material wealth and power turned inwards and we got concept and thoughts like non violence , the onept of karma and rebirth and various other standards  which elude the western society today  the west is today where we were thousands of years back and they are now looking at spiritual advancement because they can’t seem to satisfied with what they have achieved as society

It’s not that their achievements are not remarkable they are America is the mightiest and the most prosperous country in the world but are they the most respected i guess not  do they care for their poor and sick i guess not they may earn big salaries in rupee terms but still half of their population lives in wretched conditions they have not been able to eliminate poverty  and unemployment instead they have pushed the standard of living to such a cost that an average American is in perpetual debt throughout his life  a reality that you are seeing being replicate in India with professionals living in metros and even in  tier 2 cities in  India living in perpetual state of debt throughout  their lives
The American way of life with no job guarantees and constant pressure on life for achieving the sales target month on month or getting the pink slip has come here to stay and i don’t know whether how much that now adds to nations collective mental stress or is it even good for the company financial health but yes it’s here to stay.

Lets delve deeper and look at  the issue of violence  we as  a nation fought our freedom struggle through non violence Gandhi was more of saint than a freedom fighter the  struggle was led on by the strength of will and soul than by force  how did this happen why did the violent methods did not appeal to us as nation and Gandhi was able to unite the entire nation the answer lies in the way we are bought up and out values we are by upbringing taught about non violence and karma and that the path that we take but if look the  western world violence is way of life arms are sold openly and used openly  their history is filled with bloodshed and lack of empathy for the human life would you even imagine a Hitler being born and bought up and allowed to run a country and kill millions of people in gas chambers  never on Indian soil but happened just several decades ago in the western world .

That’s why America once it achieved the military supereioty it has embarked on interfering in everyone lives they interfered everywhere from Vietnam to Korea from the Arab world to Sudan their hands reached everywhere and it was all done for money for power and in their wake they left behind destroyed countries and bruised civilizations who wanted revenge 9/11 came after generations of people in Afghanistan were destroyed by the Americans ins and their way of life.

It’s not that the average American is different from an average Indian or a Afghani it just that they are egged on by this sense of grandeur and mightiness that has been instilled in them they also realize that their leaders have led them on leaders like George bush and his invasion of Iraq on flimsy grounds is well known to Americans and that’s why they have elected BARAK OBAMA as their new leader someone who is not jingoistic who is not ready to kill on the slightest provocation  9 /11 made the Americans  introspect and their new crop of leaders are direct result of it .

So to look at the western world and say that how strong and prosperous they are but have they achieved anything by this are they a happy nation and what can we learn from them and not repeat the mistakes that they have committed  i think the best lesson that can be learned is to have respect and empathy for every human being  to be more inwardly looking than outwardly to understand that making money is not the sole purpose of life may be we are not enlightened enough to understand that why we human beings are on this planet but at least our forefathers tried to find the answers to that and now collectively we have abandoned that pursuit we have instead on building on to that knowledge ignored it and looked at west and their inconsequential achievements it’s time to change our point of view .

 It’s not to say that we don’t have any shortcomings yes a nation we have not been able to provide our citizens with opportunities with hope with basics of life we have killed innovation and  entrepreneurship and that’s why an average Indian looks at western world and admires it because even the basic infrastructure has not been provided in India forget India the entire subcontinent  you look at America their greatest strength lies in innovation and allowing individuals to grow that is what we have to achieve here and yes we have to preserve what we have in terms of our collective civilization heritage

Monday, August 25, 2014


The India Pakistan conundrum

Well this time i wanted to write something other than politics so let us talk about something that every Indian thinks about Pakistan.

Everyone has their own views about pak jingoists would berate Pakistan and would want to the dispute between India and Pakistan to grow someone suggest that we should take peace initiatives increase people to people contact and should have one to one contact so there are many views and everyone views this as per their own ideas 

But let us look at the facts

First every time we start peace talks with Pakistan these talks fail mostly because there are cease fire violation bombarding from across the border and tensions flare up and the talks fail

Secondly Pakistan is failed state economically and other wise democracy is still struggling to grow its roots in Pakistan

India is a stable state democracy has taken roots and we are a economic super power as compared to Pakistan

Before we go ahead let us analyse why Pakistan has failed.

A nation that is built on hatred and no other basis was bound to fail when you ahead an spread hatred for India in the Pakistan society thinking that this hatred is going to directed at India alone than its wrong thought sooner or later that hatred was bound to spread and you end up with different faction of society fighting which is what is happening Pakistan is in the grip of political and violent turmoil with armed factions trying to take control of Pakistan

Also the monster that Pakistan created for fomenting  trouble in India terrorists and jihadi groups that it equipped with arms and money and allowed them to grow and work and recruit within the Pakistani society  have now gone out of the control of the army and are now a force in India and they have public support
The Pakistan that Jinnah wanted to create was secular and cosmopolitan Pakistan and you can see that he succeeded in that there are still rock bands television series the Pakistani media was free before we allowed that in India so it was a thriving and modern society which has now been subdued its voice is being killed and the jihadi factions are taking control we cannot even imagine what is happening with weaker sections of society like women, minorities their life is hell

So Pakistan has failed economically, politically and socially

The Pakistani army is in complete of the nation and it would not allow any government to arrive at any settlement with India so there can never be any compromise its not possible so all these peace talks and secretary level talks are of no use

But then what is the way forward is fighting with Pakistan and engaging in military conflict the way forward no i don’t think so if we engage in a fight with Pakistan we would lose all the economic progress that we have made in the last two decades and it would not achieve anything if a nation like America has not been able to control Iraq and Afghanistan with all its military might then we cannot subdue Pakistan with  force

So what’s the solution?

It’s very simple

If a dog barks at you don’t bark back and when and if the dog threatens you keep a stick with you and keep it under control the Pakistani army is that dog let it bark but don’t let it bite one or two bombs going off in year and killing some people is small price to pay for broad based economic uplifting of the Indian society that is the major task on which we should forget about Pakistan the way it is going it is going to be destroyed as nation sooner or later

But we should learn lessons and the lesson is if we spread hatred against Pakistan or if organization spread hatred for a community that hatred is one day going to seep through every faction of society and we would end up in a civil war and we would lose everything that we have achieved

So pity the Pakistani public and learn from their mistakes and just forget about bomb or two going off here and there 

Sunday, June 29, 2014


The Chinese opportunity

  China what does this country mean for India if you look at it from a historical point of view we Indians think of china as our enemy no 1 we fear the Chinese military establishment and we just don’t understand why china is spending so much on its military we think it’s all for us to destroy us to annihilate us that’s the view we hold about china at the same time we marvel at the economic success of china the progress that they have made and the economic superpower that they are now

Both these views are correct as well as wrong they have both pluses and minuses so let’s look at what we have achieved   we have established a well entrenched democracy where democracy has reached to the last mile at the panchayat levels we have a excellent judicial system a free press and the youngest population in the world but we have not achieved even 40 % of what china has been able to achieve economically but our achievements also very significant

Now let us look at both these countries together we have 2/5 of the world population we are the biggest markets no 1 and no 2 respectively for any goods if china is a manufacturing hub we are the knowledge hub of the world 

So what should we do should we keep on eyeing each other with suspicion or should we think differently?
Yes its time to think different and this government has taken the right steps in that direction but these small steps won’t do we need a sea change in our attitude towards china and the same has to happen from their side

If India and china come together they would create the biggest market for goods in the world and all the saarc nations also join them they can together uplift tens of millions out of poverty if we provide knowledge and they provide their production skills together this combination can become the most prosperous and strong trade bloc in the world 

And as far as the Chinese military ambitions go well it is aiming to be super power we also aim but we only think and china does we need not fear a military build up by china but need to build our defense forces up to that level but for that we need money which we don’t have and comes from increased economic activity and for that china is our best bet so working with china can be the solution to India defense preparedness
The world is now a safer place some minor wars here and there but a chance of major conflict are almost nil the reason! Nuclear weapons

India and Pakistan can have skirmishes but can never have a major war why because of nuclear weapons US and china would have minor battles of economy trade but no military war why because of nuclear weapons traditional warfare has now been replaced with trade wars the real power is not in weapons but in money if we are poor nation we are nowhere.

India and china are  the  two oldest civilizations in the world  with a rich culture and heritage both these civilizations despite being very strong have never attacked  other  civilizations the world can learn a lot from them it’s time to conquer the world not only economical but culturally and its possible when these two nations come together

Saturday, June 21, 2014


                                            The modi win – the aftermath

Well don’t take me wrong i have been a staunch supporter of Modi and continue to be but there are various question marks that are there which have risen after the win particularly with the Mode government raising the bar of expectations to a different level altogether.

But before we go there let’s examine the win in detail it’s an emphatic win no doubt considering the fact that the BJP has no presence in the south to get a clear majority shows how strong the Modi wave was its a vote for hope it’s a vote for change its a vote to get in the fast lane of growth that the people of this country see happening across the world and they feel left out it’s also a vote against dynastic rule against the thought that only one family has the right to think as to what direction this country is going to take  its win where the common man has said that no i am the rule of this country and i choose where my country goes .

The party BJP which was branded communal by all the other parties fought this election on the agenda of growth and development and all the parties tried their level best to make this election into a communal one and the people of this country Hindu and Muslim showed them their place it’s a historic election in that regard .

So no one least of all me have any doubt about the good intentions of Mr Modi  whatever he is saying whatever  his ministers are saying everything is right no one n doubt that but  is this all possible is it all so easy
Let us look at what narendra Modi is saying let us list out all the things and i am saying purely from an economical point of view firstly he wants industry and growth to be back he wants investment to come back into India  he wants to turn this country into a manufacturing hub he wants inflation to come down the way it is climbing up there seems to be no end to it he wants interest rates to come down he wants bullet trains he wants 100 smart cities the list is endless and its growing every day

But is all this possible 

I don’t think so

First  let us start with the interest rates the interest rates are cut by the RBI  and the PM can do nothing about except may be changing the governor  the rates are a function of inflation and it has not eased down and shows no sign of and what has the government done except to clamp down on potato futures which will have no effect whatsoever the first major step of the government to hike rail fares will have an cascading effect on inflation and you can expect it to climb further and you can forget any lowering of interest rates by the RBI for at least a year at the least and if rates don’t come down there is no fresh investment  because the cost of borrowing is higher  so no new  projects so managing inflation is the solution to but there seems to be no direction on the same from the government and frankly there is little that the central government can do mostly the mandis and markets are controlled by the state government and unless they do something nothing can be done  so it’s a difficult task and till now there seems to be no solution in sight

To turn this country into a manufacturing hub  is also a difficult task it’s not that the congress did not know that its manufacturing  that creates jobs they also knew it but could do nothing why because for that you need to change labour laws the Modi government has majority in look Sabha so there it is no problem but what about the upper house  and also what about the labour unions one  signal from the government that it is amending the labour laws and they will cripple the entire economy of the country why do you think it has not been done till now you will need a very strong will power to  do that and unless and until you do that you forget the dream of turning this country into a manufacturing hub

For 100 smart cities to be built for bullet trains to run you need investment and a government that is running into a huge defecit cannot make the investment on the scale that Modi is promising there is just no money if you make investment the deficit goes out of control and if you make no investments there is no growth it’s a very difficult task even by hiking rail fares you have not made the railways profitable you have just curtailed their losses railways has no money for bullet trains

So  i don’t think all this is possible and that to just with one budget the way the stock market is expecting crude is boiling  inflation is running out of hand  the monsoons’ are weak  but market is not cracking ask me because i have lost money  by betting on that  it should have broken down but it has not  the undercurrent of what this government will do in the budget is so strong that even with the writing on the wall that  it is going to be difficult task the markets are not cracking and they will not just crack they will fall into an abyss if this budget does not deliver which does not seem likely

So what i am saying is that take everything with a pinch of salt the reality is going to sink in and it is going to happen sooner than later .

Wednesday, April 2, 2014



Narendra modi was just the chief minister of GUJRAT  some time back but now his persona hangs like a colossus across the length and breadth of this country this election is being run in presidential style though we are a parliamentary democracy the person has become bigger than the party

If you look at the opinion polls prior to MODI being named as the PM candidate the bjp was not anywhere there was no wave for the BJP but as soon as MODI has been named the fortunes for the BJP  has changed dramatically and it is expected to cross 200 tally

Why is there such a wave about MODI, why the hopes and aspirations of everybody young old and child have now become entwined with MODI is this all justified and how did this happen.

Firstly the country is looking for change they are looking for action and they are deeply unhappy with congress and its style of functioning people want  someone who has some credibility who has clean record and who has shown that he can perform and MODI has all these qualities

Whatever someone says about the growth figures of GUJRAT its today the most industrialised state in the country and no one has heard a scam coming out of GUJRAT from the last 10 yrs its not to say that everything is hunky dory there are still lakhs of people applying for jobs that pay less than 5000 a month they are down in all the parameters but at least it looks as if they are trying to do something and in today’s atmosphere that is more than enough.

The BJP by naming MODI has killed many birds with one stone MODI is the tallest leader of the hindutatva brigade and he need not spell it he is just the tallest with his mane being announced the loyal supporters of BJP has come together this base was drifting away from the BJP  but it looks as if it is now firmly behind the BJP , MODI being an OBC has also disturbed a lot of caste equations and this factor can be decisive in this elections .

Secondly MODI and BJP have been able to turn this election in an election for growth for jobs for a better life for everybody and they have a model states in GUJRAT   with which to home in this point and  they have been able to do that they have not shot themselves in the foot the way they have been doing for the last 2-3 elections that have not made this election personal  the way they did last time with LK ADVANI VS MANMOHAN SINGH  and lost miserably if they would have properly sold the growth model the last time results would have been different .

Also this time the election campaign of the BJP has been very light they have not been jingoistic  ,  beating their chest about security and terrorism the way they did last time and this you can see from their ad campaign and this has helped them create the  right atmosphere for them to win .

Modi himself has not gone over the top and has played the script very well talking about economy growth jobs and a better living standard he has played to his strength and has sold the GUJRAT  model well his speeches his attitude his body language and his confidence has been key factors in projecting himself a just the right candidate that India is looking for right now .

Secondly the media especially channels like NDTV had gone over the top in finding some fault with MODI  and they had nothing else then the Gujarat riots the by way they tried to run down MODI the way the congress and its leaders tried to somehow link MODI and riots and paint him as master has only helped in further concentrating  a lot of votes towards MODI .

So is he the right candidate

Well there is nothing wrong with MODI but there is everything wrong with the RSS the organisation that is the reason why MODI is being projected The problem with RSS  IS that is  unwilling to see that its philosophy the way it sees India and its future the way they want to go about all this its whole agenda has been shunned by the people of this country and it will do well not to bring that agenda back by the back door the BJP should now dictate as to how RSS should behave and the other way round but that is not going to happen if the RSS takes a win for BJP and  MODI as win for its ideology  and tries to impose its bullshit agenda its going to seriously harm the BJP  and this country and this and only this is the problem with MODI .

But all said and done the Bjp and Modi deserve a chance and they have proven that they can govern and do a much better job of that in a lot of states Gujrat , Madhaprdesh and Bihar  they should be given a chance to replicate this model across the country their earlier term was also considerably free of corruption and they did lot of things which were good take the highways for example India needs a new thought process and congress should be thrown out ,

Also Modi or any other leader in the Bjp has come up on its own accord they are hard working and committed people and not people who are leaders because of their birth or family Bjp is decentralised and cadre based party and they are any time 10 times better than what the congress  is offering

So yes  Modi  must win and there is nothing wrong with that

Friday, March 21, 2014

thoughts:                                                 Th...

thoughts:                                                 Th...:                                                 The Gandhi dynasty Well is Gandhi family a dynasty!  Are they like kings who have ...
                                                The Gandhi dynasty

Well is Gandhi family a dynasty!

 Are they like kings who have a darbaar and everybody pays obeisance to the master

 Is this assessment right may be not because they are after all elected representatives and they are running the government as per the mandate of the people but then is this really democracy that one family is deciding the fate of this country for the last 6 decades are we such a nation that e cannot find a few good men to run this country and we need the Gandhi family to do so .

The answer  to this is complex and in my opinion there is no clear answer firstly how did the Gandhi family came to be the first family of Indian politics is matter of great research after all the first family should have been the family of mahatma Gandhi but they are nowhere to be seen

How did this happen that this family has come to occupy power in India for so many years did Jawahar lal nehru plan this is it because of him or because of Indira Gandhi that this family has got a stronghold on the congress party and then the moot question is does the Gandhi family need the congress or congress need the family

Well firstly i don’t t think that Jawahar lal Nehru planned this, this was more a matter of  Indira Gandhi turning the congress party into a family affair and she was able to do it firstly because there was no credible opposition  and even if there was for some time it failed miserably  which led to the theory of TINA (THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE) so there  was no alternative for the congress and then there was no alternative for the family within the congress which led to state of perpetual dominance of this family  on this country .
Such was the state of affairs that Sanjay Gandhi decided that it was possible to turn this country into a dictatorship and forced emergency on this country but this black chapter of this family has also been forgiven by the people of this country

Why is that so?

Well it’s not just India if you look at the entire Indian subcontinent be it Pakistan ,Bangladesh  ,Nepal all of these countries are being run by families  the Indian psyche is such that we look up to these families  as rulers
just like we used to look up to kings and queens earlier they are still the rulers and we are still the public and this mindset of the people of this country led to state that these families have been able to carry on their rule it’s not just the Gandhi’s look at any state any party except the BJP even there there is passing the baton to the young member of  the family but look at  mulayam ,badals  karunanaidhi anyone and everyone parties are being run like pvt ltd organization  and this is because the Indian public allows it to be so .

Secondly if you  look at the political landscape there was no leader who could challenge the popularity or authority of Indira Gandhi  for decades congress has been the only party  in this nation and it had its presence across the country in every nook and corner it had members in every village of this country and there was no other party who could challenge that .

there was always a desire within the pubic for and alternative but none emerged the only alternative has emerged in the last two decades and that’s the BJP this party is the only credible option for the public and that’s why this party has not faded away like the others it has grown its presence and has a very huge base especially in the north and mid India it has not been able to penetrate the south and once it does that it would be forever a challenge for the congress which is good because it gives people an alternative and keeps congress on its tows and this alternative is the real killer of the dynastic politics .

So has this dynastic politics been good for the country well the answer to that is an emphatic no this family till date has done nothing for this country  the economic destruction of this country was started by jawarharlal Nehru and was completely destroyed by indiara Gandhi it looked as if she wanted to control every citizen of this country so everything from a simple phone connection to gas connection to a light connection was given after you thoroughly oiled the system and kneeled in front of the  system and lost yourself respect Indira  killed the natural entrepreneurial spirit of this nation and turned this country into a economic failure  because policies were decided by the whim and fancy of the leader and not what was right for the nation .

It is no surprise that the best prime minister that congress ever produced was Narshimha rao who turned a sick economy around with the help of Manamaohan singh and nation was up and running on its two feet  but that did not continue for long soon the congress was back in the lap of the family and the nations economy was again in shambles the last 10 yrs and especially  UPA 2 has been a nightmare why because the policy is not being decided by professionals but by the whim and fancy of Rahul Gandhi and his distorted vision and believe that he has the birth right to take this nation in the direction he wants to  that has been the case with every member of this family and rahul is no different .

That’s why this family rule is so wrong because it destroys the free spirit of this country everything is decided by the family and their whims and fancies and ultimately the nation pays the price as we have already paid for so many years

So what’s the way forward well India is changing there is new generation which is seeing the world from new eyes which is not burdened by the favour that this family thinks it has done to this country  they want the nation to forever grateful to them for them for the mess  they turned Punjab into which ultimately took Indira Gandhi life and then the mess that Rajiv created in Srilanka which took his life  this new generation has no such burden and they can decide the merit of a  leader on their work and what they do and that would lead to this change people are demanding action and results and they would vote for anyone who would do that .
The nation has moved on Rahul  is not getting any response from the pubic because he is mouthing the same words that his father said that his grandmother said  but nothing was done and now when he has been the real king behind Manmohan singh for the last 10 yrs and he has done nothing he is now again coming with the same old hogwash we will change this nation we will do this we will do that  and have no answer as why nothing was done for the last 10 yrs

Well this cannot continue and that would be the best for this country the Gandhi family needs to be decimated completely they need to lose elections is such a decisive manner that this aura that  thay have around them ,the way there is no leadership that is emerging in the congress all this needs to change the   fall of the Gandhi family would be good for the congress in the long run a new leadership would emerge that would challenge this stronghold leaders with mass appeal and vision would emerge its not if congress has no such people they are just not allowed to emerge the fall of the  dynasty would be good for both the nation as well as the congress

Monday, March 17, 2014

                                                  The secular debate

As elections approach their last mile the secular debate is getting more and more    shriller you hear more and more voices especially from the self declared secular brigade about secular and communal politics

You see politicians like Rahul Gandhi yesterday trying to shift the focus of this election from growth jobs and accountability to secular vs. communal divide

So who defines who is secular and who is not and what is the definition of secularism?

is it appeasement as done by so called secular parties or is it as defined by the BJP what they call nationalism  so before we go into this lets first look into what makes India secular does the congress party make India secular as they claim or the constitution binds everybody into being secular.

 well to me its the people of this country who makes India secular if i am not wrong 80% of this country is Hindu and more than that percentage the no of seats  on which the Hindu vote decides  the result must be around 85 %  so who stops the Hindu majority in this country from turning India into Hindu state after all it just requires a constitutional amendment which can be brought very  easily .

so why despite all this and the RSS and the VHP and the BAJRANG DAL trying very hard why is that we are still a secular nation and any party which tries to play with this is and will never be able to gain control of the power in Delhi  .

well the answer is that it’s the Hindu population of this county which makes India secular it’s the Hindu which wants that India should be a secular nation it’s the Hindu who voted for Jawaharlal Nehru when he first sought votes on this basis and got elected its the Hindu which has time and again voted for the congress and the other parties that has made India into a secular nation

it’s not so simple as it seems there divisions within the Hindu population SC/ST OBC this that but broadly its one faith and they want India to be secular and that why we are will always remain a secular nation thanks to the people of India and not to the congress or Nehru or any Gandhi and this the BJP found out to its peril in the 2004 election where despite running a good government they lost


Because they lost the vote of the Hindu population that does not want the BJP to go that path this new thought process i of BJP this talk of inclusiveness has been forced on them by the people of this country and not by anyone else

The problem with the political class of this country that they want to take the people of this country for ride, when the congress wins they say that it’s the win for their ideology and when the BJP wins they say its the win for their ideology  and they forget the real issue.

 When  you ask them what have you done on governance ,corruption they  hide behind this veil of secularism and try to take credit for what is basically the achievement of the common man and i am sure the same is going to happen with the BJP they will win on growth ,jobs but as soon as they win their mother organization the RSS  is going to assume that we have won on our ideology so let’s play with the secular fabric of this country and they will find out the implication of that but in that process India would have lost on another crucial 5 yrs.

 What no one seems to understand is that India has moved on, take the example of Rajasthan every five yrs there is sweeping change people are giving opposite mandates every 5 yrs so what do  you mean that if the congress wins then the people of Rajasthan are secular and if the bjp wins the same population has now turned communal  ,you take people of India for fools  .

The way the congress the samajwadi party and others are trying to turn these elections into a secular vs. communal debate shows a huge disconnect with the way India is thinking right now.

Solution for riots and disturbances is not the blame game but a comprehensive structure that binds every state government by law into acting in particular way when  such a situation arises there must be clearly laid down procedures which if not followed should lead to the removal and conviction of the home and chief ministers but who wants that.

 Riots suit everybody every political party when it’s in their interest.

 The political class of this country and especially those who have governed this country for decades and turned it into the mess as it is now want that people should never get out of this hogwash and vote for real issues and even if people vote for real issues they want to corrupt an loot this nation in the name that people have given a mandate for secularism.

 Sorry! people have not given the mandate for this they have given a mandate to do something and not sleep when there is open loot going on people of India can take care of the secular fabric of this country much better than any politician  ever can .