Wednesday, October 22, 2014


                                          RELUCTANT FUNDAMENTALIST

Today i finished reading the RELUCTANT FUNDAMENTALIST it’s an amazing book a book which often echoed my own sentiments and thoughts that i have on the various conflicts that surround us it also gives a view as how a Pakistani views the way we handled the attack on our parliament was the build-up of the army and the jingoism that surrounded it was necessary its gives a very poignant picture of all these things and for such a thin book just 180 pages it leaves you with many thoughts.

It also makes you pause and think on where are we heading in terms of our personal lives on what is important and what is not this mad rush for  so called professional achievement that has permeated the whole fabric of our society is this whole system of looking at life through the mirror  of what degree you got what salary you draw and to measure life through the size of your apartment or the cost of your car is this not something that we have borrowed from the west  is this not all very American in its thought  and is all this right  do we need to look at life and ourselves through the prism of how the we see world looks at us would we as an  individual or a country be successful only when we get a pat on the back from an American  when he will say that yes you have arrived 

Lets delve a bit deeper into that and look at where we are we as civilization were at a much higher trajectory than the west it like been there done that our civilization after achieving all the material wealth and power turned inwards and we got concept and thoughts like non violence , the onept of karma and rebirth and various other standards  which elude the western society today  the west is today where we were thousands of years back and they are now looking at spiritual advancement because they can’t seem to satisfied with what they have achieved as society

It’s not that their achievements are not remarkable they are America is the mightiest and the most prosperous country in the world but are they the most respected i guess not  do they care for their poor and sick i guess not they may earn big salaries in rupee terms but still half of their population lives in wretched conditions they have not been able to eliminate poverty  and unemployment instead they have pushed the standard of living to such a cost that an average American is in perpetual debt throughout his life  a reality that you are seeing being replicate in India with professionals living in metros and even in  tier 2 cities in  India living in perpetual state of debt throughout  their lives
The American way of life with no job guarantees and constant pressure on life for achieving the sales target month on month or getting the pink slip has come here to stay and i don’t know whether how much that now adds to nations collective mental stress or is it even good for the company financial health but yes it’s here to stay.

Lets delve deeper and look at  the issue of violence  we as  a nation fought our freedom struggle through non violence Gandhi was more of saint than a freedom fighter the  struggle was led on by the strength of will and soul than by force  how did this happen why did the violent methods did not appeal to us as nation and Gandhi was able to unite the entire nation the answer lies in the way we are bought up and out values we are by upbringing taught about non violence and karma and that the path that we take but if look the  western world violence is way of life arms are sold openly and used openly  their history is filled with bloodshed and lack of empathy for the human life would you even imagine a Hitler being born and bought up and allowed to run a country and kill millions of people in gas chambers  never on Indian soil but happened just several decades ago in the western world .

That’s why America once it achieved the military supereioty it has embarked on interfering in everyone lives they interfered everywhere from Vietnam to Korea from the Arab world to Sudan their hands reached everywhere and it was all done for money for power and in their wake they left behind destroyed countries and bruised civilizations who wanted revenge 9/11 came after generations of people in Afghanistan were destroyed by the Americans ins and their way of life.

It’s not that the average American is different from an average Indian or a Afghani it just that they are egged on by this sense of grandeur and mightiness that has been instilled in them they also realize that their leaders have led them on leaders like George bush and his invasion of Iraq on flimsy grounds is well known to Americans and that’s why they have elected BARAK OBAMA as their new leader someone who is not jingoistic who is not ready to kill on the slightest provocation  9 /11 made the Americans  introspect and their new crop of leaders are direct result of it .

So to look at the western world and say that how strong and prosperous they are but have they achieved anything by this are they a happy nation and what can we learn from them and not repeat the mistakes that they have committed  i think the best lesson that can be learned is to have respect and empathy for every human being  to be more inwardly looking than outwardly to understand that making money is not the sole purpose of life may be we are not enlightened enough to understand that why we human beings are on this planet but at least our forefathers tried to find the answers to that and now collectively we have abandoned that pursuit we have instead on building on to that knowledge ignored it and looked at west and their inconsequential achievements it’s time to change our point of view .

 It’s not to say that we don’t have any shortcomings yes a nation we have not been able to provide our citizens with opportunities with hope with basics of life we have killed innovation and  entrepreneurship and that’s why an average Indian looks at western world and admires it because even the basic infrastructure has not been provided in India forget India the entire subcontinent  you look at America their greatest strength lies in innovation and allowing individuals to grow that is what we have to achieve here and yes we have to preserve what we have in terms of our collective civilization heritage

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