Monday, August 25, 2014


The India Pakistan conundrum

Well this time i wanted to write something other than politics so let us talk about something that every Indian thinks about Pakistan.

Everyone has their own views about pak jingoists would berate Pakistan and would want to the dispute between India and Pakistan to grow someone suggest that we should take peace initiatives increase people to people contact and should have one to one contact so there are many views and everyone views this as per their own ideas 

But let us look at the facts

First every time we start peace talks with Pakistan these talks fail mostly because there are cease fire violation bombarding from across the border and tensions flare up and the talks fail

Secondly Pakistan is failed state economically and other wise democracy is still struggling to grow its roots in Pakistan

India is a stable state democracy has taken roots and we are a economic super power as compared to Pakistan

Before we go ahead let us analyse why Pakistan has failed.

A nation that is built on hatred and no other basis was bound to fail when you ahead an spread hatred for India in the Pakistan society thinking that this hatred is going to directed at India alone than its wrong thought sooner or later that hatred was bound to spread and you end up with different faction of society fighting which is what is happening Pakistan is in the grip of political and violent turmoil with armed factions trying to take control of Pakistan

Also the monster that Pakistan created for fomenting  trouble in India terrorists and jihadi groups that it equipped with arms and money and allowed them to grow and work and recruit within the Pakistani society  have now gone out of the control of the army and are now a force in India and they have public support
The Pakistan that Jinnah wanted to create was secular and cosmopolitan Pakistan and you can see that he succeeded in that there are still rock bands television series the Pakistani media was free before we allowed that in India so it was a thriving and modern society which has now been subdued its voice is being killed and the jihadi factions are taking control we cannot even imagine what is happening with weaker sections of society like women, minorities their life is hell

So Pakistan has failed economically, politically and socially

The Pakistani army is in complete of the nation and it would not allow any government to arrive at any settlement with India so there can never be any compromise its not possible so all these peace talks and secretary level talks are of no use

But then what is the way forward is fighting with Pakistan and engaging in military conflict the way forward no i don’t think so if we engage in a fight with Pakistan we would lose all the economic progress that we have made in the last two decades and it would not achieve anything if a nation like America has not been able to control Iraq and Afghanistan with all its military might then we cannot subdue Pakistan with  force

So what’s the solution?

It’s very simple

If a dog barks at you don’t bark back and when and if the dog threatens you keep a stick with you and keep it under control the Pakistani army is that dog let it bark but don’t let it bite one or two bombs going off in year and killing some people is small price to pay for broad based economic uplifting of the Indian society that is the major task on which we should forget about Pakistan the way it is going it is going to be destroyed as nation sooner or later

But we should learn lessons and the lesson is if we spread hatred against Pakistan or if organization spread hatred for a community that hatred is one day going to seep through every faction of society and we would end up in a civil war and we would lose everything that we have achieved

So pity the Pakistani public and learn from their mistakes and just forget about bomb or two going off here and there 

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